Monday, November 23, 2009

fluid urbanism_working

fig 01: plan

fig 02: perspective

1 comment:

  1. It seems to me that you are doing constant progress...which is good. Now what I can recommend to you is to explore the balance between Mass, fibers and landfill. It seems to me that that especially the two landfills that are reaching into the sea are kind of crude, compared to the filigree of your bifurcations. It would be good if the elegance of your bifurcations would be also present in the rest of the project. Maybe you don´t need to do this landfills at all....maybe the bifurcations are just reaching into the water? Creating a form of urban system sitting on the water, maybe on piles? Or Pontons? I hope this helped. I want to see further progress by Thursday night the latest.....especially about how your plans will look like.

    I will send you the Layout for the Midterms later today.....

    Try also to use the Ocean Shader in Mental ray to create a Realistic ocean. In fact want you to work also on the quality of your renderings. I posted a Link to the Mental Ray Handbook, which is very useful..
